Addiction Treatment Center in Santa Ana

Tustin Residential Treatment and Detox Center

Call Our Tustin Addiction Treatment Specialists Now!

Success in sobriety often has a lot to do with the support that you have as you move along the path. Proper treatment, medical assistance, support, and a safe environment are part of our dedicated treatment program at Fresh Start of California. Our Tustin addiction specialists can create customized treatment plans and detox programs so that your recovery plan is designed to suit your needs. Our Tustin detox and rehabilitation facility provides top-notch treatment options, addiction, and detox doctors and nurses, and a team of recovery professionals so you have the support that will be able to offer the most success.

Let our Tustin recovery team help you take the first steps to sobriety. Contact our team today to discuss your needs and how our Irvine detox and rehab specialists can help.