The 12 Principles of Healthy Addiction Treatment
Addiction is a treatable yet chronic disease that affects both behavior and brain function. For this reason, treatment centers must acknowledge and include in their programs various concepts to ensure patients move through healthy treatment that is likely to yield successful results.
Below, our California detox team has included a list of important principles of healthy addiction treatment that must be cared for in effective treatment facilities:
- There is not one treatment that will be effective for every person
- A person suffering from addiction always needs immediate access to treatment
- An effective treatment program will address all a person’s needs, not just his/her addiction
- Remaining in treatment for the appropriate amount of time is key to success
- Effective treatment programs use counseling and behavioral therapies in conjunction with physical therapies
- A person’s treatment program must be supervised and modified based on the person’s needs
- Medical detox (the use of medication during detox and recovery) is an important and effective part of a treatment program
- Treatments should also address any mental disorders a person may be diagnosed with
- Medical detox is only the first section of a successful treatment program and should be followed by behavioral therapy via residential treatment, which is commonly referred to as rehab
- A treatment facility must closely supervise and monitor a patient’s medication use during treatment
- Treatment programs should test each person for AIDS /HIV, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and other diseases
- Successful treatment facilities should teach patients about ways they can reduce the risk of the illnesses listed above
Effective Treatment Programs Yield Beyond Successful Results
Treatment programs that hold true to the aforementioned principles will likely produce beyond successful results for patients who move through their programs. In many cases, successful programs will allow the patient to:
- Stop drug and alcohol use and consumption
- Remain completely free of drugs and alcohol
- Thrive productively at work, in society, and with his/her family
Ready for a Fresh Start? Call our California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility
At Fresh Start of California, our California addiction treatment team is dedicated to effective treatment programs that address both physical dependence and behavioral issues. To ensure our clients are successful beyond treatment at our facility, we guarantee individualized treatment for every patient. We understand the journey to sobriety can be intimidating, and that is why our team works diligently to create a home-like setting with a supportive, caring team.
Don’t wait another day for a fresh start! Call our California addiction treatment team for your free, individualized assessment.