Tristan Hughes Surpasses 6 Months in Sobriety!
At 13 years old, Tristan began experimenting with marijuana, which then progressed to the consumption of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), shrooms, Xanax, and alcohol. Although he was experimenting with different drugs, Tristan remained a student-athlete, playing baseball through middle and high school. During high school, Tristan suffered an injury during baseball season. As a result, he was prescribed Percocet.
The journey of his addiction began, and Tristan began selling opioids. He was asked to leave the baseball team and suspended from school. But this was only the beginning. Tristan began to sever relations with his family and was soon completely consumed by addiction. Tristan’s drug dependence continued to grow, and it was not before long that he would try smoking heroin and meth, which then led to injecting heroin.
That’s when Tristan’s life took the hardest turn. He lost everything he had, including his friends and family. He was isolated and discontent with his life.
Tristan’s Turn for Help
In May 2018, Tristan attended a treatment center, but after only a month in sobriety, he left the treatment center, relapsed, and continued his downward spiral. Finally, Tristan decided to move to California where he would relapse more than 12 times.
Tristan was desperate for real help. He moved into Fresh Start of California where he went through both the detox and residential programs. This time around was different for Tristan. Through Fresh Start of California, he learned to enjoy life without the need for drugs or alcohol. He was inspired to work out, build friendships, and pursue adrenaline-rushing activities. He built life-long relationships with both Preston and Dustin Durnford, the owners of the California detox and residential facility. Tristan even stated:
Preston and Dustin have inspired me greatly. I knew I had to hang on and build strong relationships with them. Growing up I didn’t have anybody to look up to that thought like I did. Preston and Dustin get to know their clients and become part of their lives. They inspire each and every person that comes through the facility, and their energy is always positive. Things are done right at Fresh Start of California! My favorite part is that it felt like home when I was there.
The Highlight Reels of Tristan’s Accomplishments
When it comes to Tristan’s accomplishments, they are countless. As of now, for Tristan, every day is a constant progression and new day to enjoy life. He has set himself goals and visions and has created plans to accomplish them. In his words: “Life keeps getting better! I have my family back, strong relationships, great friends I care for, and much more.”
Now, Tristan works in admissions for a treatment center, which was one of his goals after he completed treatment at Fresh Start of California.
Another goal of his was to skydive, and he was able to accomplish just that with the help of Preston, who accompanied him as a celebration of Tristan’s sobriety and accomplishments. In doing so, Tristan states that he learned, “Life is not great always and has its challenges, but I know I can get through and learn something at the end of it!”
Special Thanks from Tristan
When asked who he would like to thank, Tristan immediately responded:
There are so many people that play a part in my success. Patrick, my sponsor, has been a major part of my growth. He understands the way I think, and I trust him 100%. He’s saved my life a couple times. I just really look up to him. Without him in the picture, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I am incredible grateful for my family, who supports me, and my many friends, who continue to stand by me.
A Special Thank-You to Fresh Start of California
Tristan remains grateful for all Fresh Start of California has done for him during recovery. He stated, “Fresh Start of California is the best because the people who work there truly care! I would like to say thank you to each and every person at the facility. Everyone played a part, and I seriously loved everyone there. They were amazing to me and rooted for me to keep going. They saw more in me than I could see in myself at the time. Words really don’t describe how special Fresh Start is to me.”
If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction or is finding themselves in a similar position as Tristan, please reach out to our Orange County detox and residential treatment center. Call us today!