How to Talk to Your Teen About Drug Use and Addiction

Guidance for Timing, Tone & Comfort for Important Conversations

Talking with your teenagers about substance use and addiction is an important part of parenting, but it is not always a subject that is easy to broach. It is beneficial to create a conducive environment and to approach the subject with an open mind. Remember that your child wants to be respected and understood and that you can set the tone of the conversation with how you approach it from the start. 

At Fresh Start of California, Orange County’s drug and alcohol detox and rehab facility, we understand the importance of knowledge and awareness when it comes to drug use in your teen. We know how devastating an early-life drug addiction can be for a family and we want you to be as prepared as possible. 

For questions about residential rehabilitation or detox in Orange County, contact Fresh Start of California and get your teen on the road to recovery today. 

5 Steps for Discussing Drug Use

  1. Choose a proper place and time. Make sure that you have enough uninterrupted time, privacy and to keep the environment relaxed. One example of a comfortable space is during a car ride. This will allow an easy flow of conversation without the direct face-to-face eye contact that might make your teen feel attacked. 
  2. Keep an open mind and refrain from making general or wide-sweeping accusations during the initial discussion. Let your teen talk and do not interrupt. Express your genuine feelings and concerns using “I” and don’t be afraid to show emotion. 
  3. Ask questions about your teen’s knowledge of different substances and allow them to explain what their concerns are, what they have been exposed to or what they know about. Teens have access to and exposure to different substances than were available decades prior. 
  4. Provide accurate, realistic scenarios and use teachable moments. Present real statistics or experiences and offer information that is useful. Talk about what drugs there are, discuss their dangers, discuss risky situations and ask what you can do to help them avoid the risks. 
  5. Discuss peer pressure and how to avoid it. Be realistic and avoid condescending tones or angry “fear” based talk. Give them options that are relatable and useful, rather than the “just say no” tactics used in years past. 

Assessing Drug Use and Addiction

When drug abuse or addiction is suspected, assess your child for signs before approaching the subject. 

Watch for:

  • Changes in appetite, weight or energy
  • Neglect of normal activities, chores, schoolwork, or homework
  • Changes in hygiene or personal care
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Signs of intoxication including slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, body shivers or tremors, constant sniffling or runny nose or flushed face
  • Changes in friend group
  • Mood swings
  • Money issues

If you notice any of these changes, approach your teen with compassion, concern, and love. If you are ready to introduce detox and rehabilitation, have the resources available and in place for immediate action.  Rather than directing your child or demanding that they comply, it is helpful to persuade them to make the decision themselves. If you offer reasonable and beneficial information, they will be able to make the decision with you. 

You Are Not Alone: Addiction Treatment is a Phone Call Away

Whether you have questions about addiction, drug use, and abuse or warning signs, it helps to have advice and information from a professional. The team of drug use and addiction specialists at Orange County’s Fresh Start of California can help you with answers to your important questions. We are here to provide hope and guidance when addiction takes hold of your family or your loved one. 

Call Fresh Start of California today and get the answers and help you need. 

5 Signs of Alcohol Addiction

What Does Alcohol Addiction Look Like?

Does someone you know appear to have a problem with alcohol? Are you wondering if you are addicted to alcohol? Alcohol addiction has many signs and symptoms, some may be stronger than others and some may depend on the severity of the addiction. Whether it is your loved one, yourself or someone you know, there are some universal signs of alcohol abuse that will help you make a determination. These signs will help you to know when you or a loved one needs help. 5 Signs of Alcohol Addiction

If you know you need help, or your loved one is ready to seek recovery, the time is now. Our addiction specialists at Fresh Start of California in Orange County can help you or your loved one through the detox and rehabilitation process. 

We are available 24/7 to take your call. Call Fresh Start of California now. 

5 Signs of Alcohol Addiction or Abuse

It is never too early to pay attention to the signs of alcohol abuse. Alcohol addiction can spiral out of control and seeing the warning signs just may save your loved one’s life. Although alcohol abuse may not yet reach the point of addiction or dependency, it is still important to watch for the signs and to get treatment when possible. One factor that determines the difference between abuse and addiction is the person’s ability to control when, where and how much he or she drinks. In addition, addiction is the point at which the body is physically dependent upon the substance to function due to prolonged exposure and bodily adaptation to the substance in the system. 

What are the 5 signs of alcohol addiction?

  1. Experiencing legal problems due to drinking such as disorderly conduct, driving under the influence (DUI), drunk in public or other legal problems associated with alcohol use.
  2. Drinking despite its danger to life such as drinking and driving, drinking while taking medication, drinking despite doctor’s orders or drinking and operating heavy machinery. 
  3. Drinking despite its damages on your relationships with family, your marriage, your friendships, and your business relationships. 
  4. Drinking tolerance, meaning drinking more than most other people without feeling the effects of the alcohol, and drinking more than previously needed to feel the same effects. 
  5. Feelings of withdrawal associated with lack of alcohol in the system such as shakes, vomiting, insomnia, irritability, depression, anger, sweating or loss of appetite. 

When You Need Help, We Are Here.

If you recognize these signs in yourself or someone else, it is time to get help. There is no better time than right now to reach out and save your life or the life of a loved one. Fresh Start of California in Orange County has the facility, medical and psychological professionals and support that can guide a person through recovery and into a new life. We are here to help you or your loved one with the alcohol detox process and through rehabilitation. Addiction does not have to be the end. 

If you see behavior that indicates addiction, don’t wait until it is too late. Call the team at Fresh Start of California today.