Tag Archive for: addiction

The Link Between PTSD and Drug Use

What is PTSD?

PTSD is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a mental health disorder caused by a traumatic experience in a person’s life. Experiences that can cause PTSD include childhood abuse, sexual abuse, car accidents, military combat, violent assault, natural disasters, or acts of terrorism. Signs and symptoms of PTSD may be one or more of the following:

  • Nightmares and trouble sleeping
  • Flashbacks (physical and mental) or intense memories
  • Reliving the trauma
  • Behavioral changes, easily irritated, angered or triggered into a violent reaction
  • Distancing from friends and family, avoidance of social interaction
  • Social anxiety or avoidance of going out in public

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is often diagnosed with co-occurring disorders or mental health issues including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. It is important to understand the cause of these disorders to treat them effectively. At Fresh Start of California, we treat our patients on a case-by-case basis, and we understand that we must not only treat for the substance abuse but also the cause of the abuse.

Contact the team of Orange County detox and rehab professionals at Fresh Start of California if you are struggling with drug or alcohol use. Call us today!

Co-Occurring Disorders: PTSD and Substance Abuse

Many believe that PTSD sufferers use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate, in hopes of numbing the pain and stress involved with PTSD. Military veterans and women who suffered sexual abuse or rape are at high risk for this type of self-medicating. With this in mind, it is no surprise that drug or alcohol use and abuse are considered avoidance symptoms of PTSD.

This symptom may be linked to endorphin withdrawal after a traumatic event. The body reacts to an experience of trauma with a release of endorphins to endure the event itself. Unfortunately, after the event(s) our body often produces fewer “feel-good” chemicals, thus making it harder to feel normal as well as harder to numb the pain of the experience. Drug and alcohol come into play when a person desires to escape the pain and stress, or the behavioral changes, using drugs and/or alcohol as their numbing mechanism. The repeated attempt to numb the pain results in the development of dependence builds a tolerance to the substance and creates abuse.

Addiction and PTSD

An addict’s brain becomes dependent on the substance of their choice to feel “normal” and avoid the sickness that comes with withdrawals. The symptoms of addiction, withdrawal, and PTSD tend to overlap, making it hard for sufferers to understand their symptoms and combat them effectively alone. Professional treatment involves finding the root of the addiction, understanding the symptoms of PTSD, and incorporating treatment for all mental health issues while rewiring the brain to rely on itself rather than drug or alcohol.

Inpatient and outpatient facilities like Fresh Start of California can work with you to treat both addiction and PTSD at the same time so that every patient has a chance at returning to a life they want to live. We want you to feel confident in your care plan. Our Orange County doctor, nurses, rehabilitation experts, and onsite teams create individual treatment plans for each patient’s needs. It is our goal to work together with our patients to build the solid foundation of a new life after addiction, one that includes symptom management of PTSD or other mental health disorders.

Trust Fresh Start of California with your detox and rehabilitation needs in Orange County. Our team is here for you. Contact us to start your treatment today.

How to Help a Loved One with Addiction

Orange County Rehabilitation Specialists Provide Tips for Help

If your family member or loved one is suffering in the depth of addiction, it is critical to know the difference between control and pressure versus influence and support. Pressure, control, and change by force is not possible in addiction. Neither the addict nor the loved one is in control in this situation, the substance is truly the one in charge. We cannot force change or trick a loved one into quitting. A better, more effective approach is to offer support and influence via positive reinforcement, information on programs and support groups, and consistent boundaries.

The team of Orange County rehabilitation professionals at Fresh Start of California understands the mental and emotional toll that addiction takes on loved ones. We know that you need support and help as much as the addict. Our team is here as a resource to you and your loved one, and we can help you find a treatment program that will best fit your family member, spouse, or friend who needs professional help. Let our recovery team be the professional support that your loved one needs, so you can get some peace of mind.

Contact Fresh Start of California today to discuss treatment options in Orange County.

5 Ways to Help a Loved One with Addiction

You may think that helping a loved one with addiction involves offering money, housing, and entering into an “enabling” relationship, but that is not the case. There are very important ways to help your loved one without becoming codependent or enabling.

The top 5 ways to help your loved one suffering from addiction are:

  1. Be consistent. Consistent rules, expectations, promises, consequences, and boundaries will help your loved one feel safe and cared for. Also, consistency and rigid rules will help you not to enable.
  2. Be optimistic. Optimism, while being realistic, is important in maintaining sanity while dealing with the aftermath of binges, psychosis, withdrawals, and other negative aspects of using. Whether faith-based or fact-based, find something to keep thinking positive outside of the addiction relationship.
  3. Be encouraging. Use different types of encouragement from physical (hugs, physical presence) to emotional and mental encouragement. Verbally encouraging an addict when he or she is feeling down can make a difference, even if you don’t seem to get a reaction.
  4. Be educated. Inform yourself so that you know the truth about addiction, what it looks like, and how it affects users and their loved ones. Educate yourself on codependency and the signs of enabling so that you can be prepared and avoid making a situation worse.
  5. Be assertive. When addressing the issue, do not sugarcoat or tiptoe, be assertive and straightforward. Do not mask the effects of addiction from the addict. Ignoring the issue of addiction will not make it go away.

A bonus tip, that is equally important as all of the others, is to take care of yourself. Be sure to eat, drink water, and get adequate sleep while caring for and supporting an addicted loved one. It sounds cliché but practicing self-care is important when you are dealing with the stress, fear, and unknowns of dealing with addiction.

Addicts and Loved Ones Both Need Help

It is not uncommon for loved ones of addicts to need some sort of help themselves. Whether you require counseling, codependency therapy, or any other support, there is help out there. Our addiction and rehabilitation team at Orange County’s Fresh Start of California has access to excellent resources and recovery programs for you and your loved one. Let us help you make a difference in your loved one’s life.

Contact Fresh Start of California today to learn about detox and addiction recovery solutions.

Parents of Addicted Teens: Acceptance VS Condoning

Parental Instinct and Using Emotion to Fuel Action

When we find out our child is using or has fallen into the trouble of addiction, our initial reaction may be disgust, resistance, anger, guilt, and stress. Unfortunately, these reactions are not going to help. It is best to channel any emotions into action and refrain from trying to understand cause and effect. Trying to understand the “why” from the get-go can make us miss chances for intervention.

With the knowledge that our child needs help, we must understand the difference between acceptance and condoning the drug or alcohol abuse. Acceptance is recognizing the reality of the situation without attempting to protest it or change it while condoning is allowing behavior that is morally wrong or offensive to continue despite its ramifications.

At Fresh Start of California, we understand the difficult place that a child’s addiction can put a parent in. We know how precarious it is to make the right choices and worry about the wrong ones. Let us help you and your child have a fighting chance against addiction.

Contact the Orange County detox and rehabilitation specialists at Fresh Start of California for addiction recovery options and where to start. Call our team today.

What Does Acceptance Look Like?

Acceptance may look like seeking help, offering ways to avoid use, arranging counseling, or intervention. There are many ways to work with your child to fight against the power of addiction including:

  • Finding motivation for abstaining from the use
  • Finding ways to limit peer pressure in a manner that supports recovery
  • Seeking an understanding of motives for use, such as: is it for fun? For acceptance by peers? Or self-medication for mental or emotional distress?
  • Offer an incentivized challenge for quitting, or for abstaining for a certain period.
  • Set house rules and guidelines with consequences with the knowledge that the user may continue.

Acceptance may look different for every family, but the key is to have an understanding with your teen that you are on their side and that you are going to help them through the path of recovery.

What Does Condoning Look Like?

Condoning the behavior of an addict, even your child, is often the result of a few different factors: a parent ‘s drug or alcohol abuse or addiction, the desire to be friends more than a parent figure, the notion that the home is a safe space for experimentation. Condoning behavior may look like:

  • Using drugs or drinking with your teen
  • Allowing your teen to use or drink at your house
  • Supplying alcohol or drugs to your teen or teen’s friends
  • Raising your child around drug or alcohol use
  • Not being conscious of censoring your drug or alcohol use

It is important to understand the implications of condoning the addictive behavior of a teen user. Our teens deserve a fighting chance at life after recovery.

A Fighting Chance with Fresh Start of California

Our Orange County team of detox and recovery professionals can help you connect with the resources you need to get your child through. Recovery and abstaining from drug or alcohol use may require different commitments of a teen than an adult. Our specialists understand that as a parent, you will need help navigating the rehabilitation process alongside your team. Let the experts at Fresh Start of California help you when the ones you love most are in trouble.

Contact Fresh Start of California in Orange County today.

How Yoga & Exercise Can Help Combat Addiction

The Mind-Body Connection and Battling Addiction

Much of the struggle with addiction is behavior based on emotional or mental trauma or pain. The connection between the physical behaviors and the workings within the mind is what yoga can help forge. What is yoga? Yoga is a movement and thought connection practice within a philosophy that is 8 limbs based. Each limb, or study, is part of the mind-body connection through breath. This practice, and exercise in general, can be a great tool in recovery. Exercise can be anything from a gym workout to an evening stroll, hiking to surfing. Regular body movement can boost mood, helps regulate the body’s functions, and combats depression.

These practices can deepen focus inward to help uncover thought patterns and negative habits. At Fresh Start of California, we can help you learn a variety of ways to combat addiction. We understand that body movement and emotional work go hand in hand. Let our team be your guide for Orange County rehabilitation and recovery from addiction.

Contact Fresh Start of California today if you are ready to make a change.

How Can Yoga & Exercise Help the Recovery Process?

Joining the body and mind through healthy movement can make keeping tabs on your addiction easier, uncovering, and identifying potential triggers. Mental and emotional health is critical in preventing relapse, recognizing behaviors, and knowing when you need help. Exercise and yoga are beneficial to both.

3 of yoga’s benefits during recovery include:

  1. Reduce stress and anxiety. Yoga uses breathwork and deliberate movement to reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, and calm racing thoughts. It can be used in battling addiction by acting as a self-soothing technique as well as a tool to dig into deeper issues.
  2. Help you sleep. Fall asleep faster and help relax using restorative poses including those that are aimed at increasing blood flow that reduces restless legs.
  3. Better health. Boost your immunity and the functions of your body systems using different yoga poses. From immune health to digestive function, yoga can help keep the body healthy.

3 benefits of exercise in combating addiction:

  1. Provide structure to your day. Exercise can be a reason to get out of the house, to break up the monotony of the day, and to be a commitment that you can keep. Having gym partners or work out buddies can help to give you something to look forward to each day.
  2. Commitment and reward. Regain control of your ability to stick with something that offers positive reinforcement and visible rewards. Keeping commitments to exercise routines can be a huge step in reminding yourself of how much power you have in life and over your actions.
  3. Boost your mood. Exercise increases blood flow and increases feel-good chemicals in the brain. It is proven to help change the mood and mental state in a positive way.

Recover in Mind and Body with Fresh Start of California

Moving forward from addiction can be daunting and overwhelming. It is crucial to find routine in healthy practices like yoga and exercise. These practices, along with guidance from rehabilitation and detox professionals and the support of your peers, can make all the difference. Let the recovery specialists at Fresh Start of California work with you to build a program that works with your specific needs.

Call our Orange County rehabilitation team today.

The Advantages of Out of State Detox and Rehab

The decision to go to rehab is a big one and one that holds the weight of a new life. It is crucial to find a facility that you can have confidence in and one that you will feel comfortable spending a good amount of time in. At Fresh Start of California, you can count on our Orange County detox and rehab team to provide top-notch care and an environment for growth. The choice to go out of state for rehab is a big decision with numerous benefits. We understand that our patients from out of state needed a big change to make the journey to sobriety, and we are happy to help get new patients settled in.

If you are considering an out of state rehab or have questions about detox and rehab services at Fresh Start of California in Orange County, contact our team. We can help you make sure that you are choosing the best place for your recovery.

Contact Fresh Start of California today.

7 Advantages of Out of State Detox and Rehab

There are many advantages of getting away from the town where your addiction grew and starting your recovery journey somewhere new. If you are unsure about where to go, the advantages of out of state recovery listed below may be helpful in your decision. Remember, the choice is a privilege, and the first step in your recovery journey.

  1. A fresh start. Removing yourself from the environment in which your addiction grew, you have the physical separation and disconnection needed to truly change. Remove yourself from daily influences, triggers, and external factors that feed your addiction by going away from home.
  2. Commitment. The commitment required to leave home, leave the town you are accustomed to, is a big one. Leaving your security net behind to go to a detox and rehab out of state helps to solidify the decision to move forward into a sober life.
  3. Quality of care. Sometimes your town or city does not offer the treatment that you need, or a facility that is out of state will better suit your individual needs.
  4. Journey mindset. The path to recovery is truly a journey. Traveling to a new state, no matter by train, plane, or car, is a journey in itself that signifies the changes you are about to make.
  5. Deter relapse. Being away from your triggers and sources to use makes it harder to relapse. If you are in a new state, the idea of running away from your rehab facility or checking yourself out may be deterred by the distance and the unknown location.
  6. Privacy and gossip. Leaving town for treatment gives you the opportunity for anonymity and privacy. This is especially true of times when you have to inform your boss or family members where you are going, or why you are leaving. If you are in a facility near your home, you may be facing the possibility of being there with someone you know or a person who can spread the “news”. Traveling out of state for treatment offers a lessened chance of gossip, recognition, and small-town talk.
  7. Unique treatment. Many states offer treatment facilities that are unique to their climate. California rehabs boast beautiful weather and may have mountain or beach views, while Utah or Arizona facilities may have desert and canyon views and activities. If you have the privilege of choosing your facility, choose one that offers activities that are going to help make your treatment easier, better, or more enjoyable.

Detox and Rehab at Fresh Start of California

The holistic approach and individualized treatment options at Fresh Start of California provide a unique and special recovery experience. We take pride in offering every patient a treatment plan that is suited to his or her individual needs. Our team of doctors and specialists are here to make your recovery as painless as possible while working to uncover the foundations that created your addiction. Let us help you take the steps to sobriety that will change your life, whether you are a California native or coming from out of state.

Call Fresh Start of California today to learn hour our Orange County Detox and Rehab team can help you.

Increase Your Knowledge: Its Alcohol Awareness Month

Knowledge is Power in the Fight Against Alcoholism

Alcohol is a factor in more than half of American homicides, suicides, and traffic accidents. It is a key factor in many domestic, relational, and financial problems including crimes against family members or spouses. It is often the reason for job loss, financial loss, property loss, and destroyed relationships.

Alcohol awareness month provides a platform for education, addiction treatment and recognition of recovery for all who recognize it. One way to combat alcoholism and to highlight the detrimental effects of drinking is to spread knowledge. Fresh Start of California is your source for Orange County addiction and recovery, and we are happy to help our community increase their knowledge of the truth about alcohol.

Reach out to the team at Fresh Start of California and take the first step in recovery.

Alcohol’s Effects: What Is Your Drink Doing to You?

Alcohol is often considered the social lubricant, “helping” drinkers get comfortable in social situations, open up to friends and loved ones, and be more apt to have fun. But, in reality, it inhibits the gut feelings and instincts that protect us from danger and keep us from saying things that may be left unsaid.

It is the cause of many negative reactions to its poison including:

  • Mood changes
  • Impaired vision
  • Impaired speech
  • Loss of balance
  • Loss of coordination
  • Loss of inhibition
  • Impaired reaction to danger

These are all signs of acute alcohol or being drunk. We are often affected by alcohol to a point of self-endangerment before we even feel the “positive” effects of social ease.

Alcohol Use Disorder: Signs and Effects of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol use disorder is characterized by increased tolerance for alcohol, physical dependence, loss of control and loss of limitation of the consumption of alcohol. Many alcoholics or those who suffer from alcohol abuse disorder are thought to be genetically predisposed to the disease, while also being influenced by their physical and psychological environment as well as social cues and pressures. A person’s risk of alcoholism increases by 3-4 times if a parent is an alcoholic.

Alcoholism can involve binge drinking on occasion, drinking moderate amounts daily or a combination of the two.

Chronic alcohol abuse can cause numerous physical ailments that include: 

  • Liver damage
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart failure
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Impotence
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Cancer of the larynx, esophagus, liver, breast, or pancreas

Not only does chronic alcohol abuse cause disease and physical changes, but it also greatly affects the function of the brain and changes the brain’s chemistry.

Treatment is Available: The Time to Change Is Now

No matter how long a person has been addicted to alcohol or has abused alcohol in his or her life, there is always a reason to get help. Treatment and recovery can repair families, can mend and reestablish relationships and can provide a new life. There are many options when it comes to addiction recovery and healing from the conditions that caused alcohol abuse in the first place.

Treatment for alcoholism and other addictions may include:

  • Inpatient or medically assisted detox
  • Inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation
  • Short term residential treatment
  • Outpatient counseling
  • Group and individual therapy
  • 12-step programs
  • Medication to help remain sober after recovery
  • Support groups
  • Sponsorship and one-on-one mentoring

You Are Not Alone

If you are ready to make a change, reach out to our Orange County rehabilitation and addiction specialists are Fresh Start of California. We are here to help you every step of the way. It is our goal to help our patients find a new way to live without the chains and shackles of addiction and alcoholism.

Contact Fresh Start of California today.

What Is the Difference Between Inpatient Rehab and Outpatient Rehab?

Orange County Rehabilitation and Detox Solutions at Fresh Start of California

There are numerous options for detox and rehabilitation from drugs and alcohol, including both inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. Inpatient rehab describes a live-in rehab program that offers 24/7 supervision and guidance while outpatient rehab allows patients to go home or to another location while still providing guidance and therapy. There are advantages and disadvantages to each option. At Fresh Start of California, you can count on professional and knowledgeable counselors, physicians and staff to help you through your recovery. We believe in the many benefits of inpatient rehabilitation, where we can work with you to create an individual program that will best suit your needs.

Your sobriety is our priority and we have the tools you need to reach a better tomorrow. For the best in Orange County drug and alcohol addiction recovery, contact the team at Fresh Start of California today.

Call our addiction specialists today.

What Is Outpatient Rehab?

Outpatient rehab is a rehabilitation program that allows patients to come and go, therefore providing treatment while they can still maintain employment and outside life. It is often less expensive than inpatient rehab and requires less commitment. Outpatient rehab is an option for patients who have completed inpatient rehab but need further counseling, therapy, meetings, and psychological treatment.

Outpatient Rehab often offers the benefits of:

  • Maintaining a “normal” outside routine
  • Treatment lasting 90 days to 1 year
  • Live at home and maintain a connection with family and loved ones
  • Affordable and flexible
  • Access to additional outside meetings and therapy

What Is Inpatient Rehab?

Inpatient rehabilitation for drug and alcohol addiction boasts a higher rate of success than outpatient programs due to the full-submersion nature and removal from outside distractions and environmental risks. It is critical to discuss with your family and understand the level of commitment with inpatient rehabilitation required of patients. Employment, family, housing management and other commitments will need to be considered before entering into an inpatient program.

Inpatient rehab offers the benefits of:

  • The patient is at the facility full time with access to therapy, medical care, and knowledgeable staff
  • 24-hour medical and psychological support and supervision
  • Fewer distractions, removal of access to drugs or alcohol (less risk of relapse while in treatment)
  • 28 day to a 3-month treatment plan
  • Higher success rate than with outpatient rehabilitation programs
  • Comfort and predictability of routine while going through treatment
  • A deeper connection with therapists and medical team

Now Is Your Time to Start Fresh. Call today.

When you have reached the end of your relationship with drugs or alcohol and are ready to take your life back, it’s time to think about rehab. At our Orange County detox and rehab facility, you can count on trusted programs, expert recovery teams, and the inpatient treatment that you need. Fresh Start of California offers treatment styles and individual options that will allow you to find the perfect fit for your recovery needs. We understand that there is more to addiction than the substance. We can help you overcome your addiction while working to find positive alternative coping mechanisms for your future.

Don’t risk waiting until it is too late, contact the Orange County addiction recovery team at Fresh Start of California and take the first step to a thriving new life.

Call now to get the tools you need to fight your addiction.


The Advantage of Medical Detox

Choose Medically Supervised Detox for Increased Chance of Success

The process of detoxing from alcohol or drugs is not easy. It is strenuous, painful and stressful on the body and mind. Depending on the severity of your addiction, it can even be life threatening. With a medically supervised and assisted detox, your chances for success and forward movement towards a life of sobriety are multiplied. 


The team of drug detox and rehab specialists at Orange County’s Fresh Start of California are able to help you through the toughest parts of your detox and stand by you through our rehabilitation program. Your sobriety is worth the fight it takes to make it through detox and get your. Life back. When you are ready to change your life, contact our Orange County team. 


Call Fresh Start of California today. 

Medically Assisted Detox for Reduced Withdrawal Symptoms

Detox can be painful and extremely taxing on the body, which makes doing it alone risky and possibly life threatening. You risk an unsuccessful detox and relapse when you try to go it alone. If you do not make it through the initial detox, the chances of you trying again lessen because of the strain and mental anguish of detoxing on your own. 


A medically supervised and assisted detox has several advantages over doing it on your own. Supervised detox can prevent life threatening medical emergencies that are the effects of the withdrawal from drugs or alcohol.  


Medical emergencies related to withdrawal may include:




      Brain damage

These medical emergencies or symptoms of withdrawal are often associated with detoxing from alcohol, benzodiazepines, or barbiturates.


A medically assisted detox can help lessen the severity of withdrawal and detox symptoms. There are several medication-based options for treatment of detox symptoms. You can utilize these treatment options for detox from alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines. Medical supervision also offers the advantage of IV therapy during detox for prevention of dehydration and nutrient replacement. 

Detox and Mental Illness

Mental illness may also play a factor in your detox as withdrawal from the drugs or alcohol that you relied on to self-medicate may unveil mental illness. If you suffer from a mental illness that was hidden by your addiction, it is crucial to have medical or psychological supervision through the detox process so that you do not harm yourself or others as you eradicate the substances from your system. 


Mental or emotional distress in an unassisted detox can greatly increase the risk of relapse before you are able to get the help you need. If a relapse occurs, you may feel emotions surrounding the failure of detox, causing even higher risk of dangerous drug or alcohol abuse. 

Have a More Successful Detox with Medical Supervision

Medical supervision and assistance through your detox process can mean the difference between success and failure. Minimize the risk of failure, reduce the urge to use, and build relationships with the doctors who will be by your side during rehab by starting the detox process in a medical setting. 


Take away the power of the discomfort of withdrawal with medical detox and put the power to succeed in your hands. Contact Fresh Start of California today for Orange County detox and rehabilitation services and a facility you can depend on. 


The Difference Between Drug Detox and Rehabilitation in Residential Treatment

The Physical and Psychological Aspects of Addiction Treatment

Treatment of addiction is so much more than ending drug use and breaking the physical dependence. Recovery from addiction entails ridding the body of a physical dependence through detoxification and studying, understanding and treating the psychological addiction and the psychological causes that the addiction stems from. When choosing what program will work best for you, it is important to know the available options and what the difference is between detox and rehabilitation.

Recovery from both physical and psychological addiction is key in successfully moving forward and learning why there is a desire for alcohol or drug use. Knowing the roots of your addiction will help you to better understand your actions and how to protect your sobriety. When seeking out an Orange County drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility, it is important to learn about all of the options and what will work best for you.

At Fresh Start of California, detox and rehabilitation are part of the residential treatment available to those in need. Contact our team to learn about our program and what we have to offer.

What is Detox?

The most significant part of a detox is the process of purging the body of physical dependence upon the substance. Living in addiction involves the brain changing to adapt to the chemicals of the substance, in so much as the brain’s chemistry is altered to survive the “poisoning” by the substance. Detox in a residential treatment affords the addict 24-hour medical care and supervision throughout the withdrawal process and removal of toxic chemicals from the body. Medical care through the withdrawal process may include monitoring vitals and health while administering medications prescribed to help lessen the symptoms.

The detox process, symptoms of withdrawal, and length of time of detox will differ based upon what drug, or drugs, you used. Through the detox phase, the body is brought back into homeostasis and the brain’s chemicals are able to restore to their composition without the substance. Essentially, detox is the physical and chemical removal of drugs or alcohol. This process is critical is being able to work through the psychological, emotional and social dependencies which are the focus of rehabilitation.

The Process of Rehab in Residential Treatment

Residential Rehab treatments have several advantages over programs that are out-patient, for the simple fact that those in recovery are living at the facility which allows for constant help. Residential rehabilitation patients have access to multiple forms of therapy, group and individual treatment sessions, and professional counsel 24/7, which increases the rate of success. Without the distractions of the outside world, rehabilitation can dig into the roots of addiction, uncover the triggers to use and release the pain that is held in the grip of the addiction.

The process of rehabilitation differs from detox in that it addresses the issues that cause the addiction psychologically, while detox is purely physical. Rehabilitation gives addicts in recovery the tools they need to overcome the past, work through their present situation, and be able to successfully move into the future. Many rehabilitation processes conquer fears through different therapies and work with patients to create confidence and stability so that it is easier to cope with the outside world.

Moving Forward with Renewed Body and Mind

The combination of detox and rehabilitation in residential treatment is one that will always make for a brighter future. Drug and alcohol addictions are not to be underestimated and you deserve the best options for complete treatment available. Evaluate your circumstances and trust that you are worth moving beyond the detox and getting to the bottom of your addiction. As your Orange County drug and alcohol detox and rehab facility, Fresh Start of California has a program that can work for your individual needs.

Your future is worth the commitment of detox and rehabilitation. Contact Fresh Start of California today.

How to Talk to Your Teen About Drug Use and Addiction

Guidance for Timing, Tone & Comfort for Important Conversations

Talking with your teenagers about substance use and addiction is an important part of parenting, but it is not always a subject that is easy to broach. It is beneficial to create a conducive environment and to approach the subject with an open mind. Remember that your child wants to be respected and understood and that you can set the tone of the conversation with how you approach it from the start. 

At Fresh Start of California, Orange County’s drug and alcohol detox and rehab facility, we understand the importance of knowledge and awareness when it comes to drug use in your teen. We know how devastating an early-life drug addiction can be for a family and we want you to be as prepared as possible. 

For questions about residential rehabilitation or detox in Orange County, contact Fresh Start of California and get your teen on the road to recovery today. 

5 Steps for Discussing Drug Use

  1. Choose a proper place and time. Make sure that you have enough uninterrupted time, privacy and to keep the environment relaxed. One example of a comfortable space is during a car ride. This will allow an easy flow of conversation without the direct face-to-face eye contact that might make your teen feel attacked. 
  2. Keep an open mind and refrain from making general or wide-sweeping accusations during the initial discussion. Let your teen talk and do not interrupt. Express your genuine feelings and concerns using “I” and don’t be afraid to show emotion. 
  3. Ask questions about your teen’s knowledge of different substances and allow them to explain what their concerns are, what they have been exposed to or what they know about. Teens have access to and exposure to different substances than were available decades prior. 
  4. Provide accurate, realistic scenarios and use teachable moments. Present real statistics or experiences and offer information that is useful. Talk about what drugs there are, discuss their dangers, discuss risky situations and ask what you can do to help them avoid the risks. 
  5. Discuss peer pressure and how to avoid it. Be realistic and avoid condescending tones or angry “fear” based talk. Give them options that are relatable and useful, rather than the “just say no” tactics used in years past. 

Assessing Drug Use and Addiction

When drug abuse or addiction is suspected, assess your child for signs before approaching the subject. 

Watch for:

  • Changes in appetite, weight or energy
  • Neglect of normal activities, chores, schoolwork, or homework
  • Changes in hygiene or personal care
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Signs of intoxication including slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, body shivers or tremors, constant sniffling or runny nose or flushed face
  • Changes in friend group
  • Mood swings
  • Money issues

If you notice any of these changes, approach your teen with compassion, concern, and love. If you are ready to introduce detox and rehabilitation, have the resources available and in place for immediate action.  Rather than directing your child or demanding that they comply, it is helpful to persuade them to make the decision themselves. If you offer reasonable and beneficial information, they will be able to make the decision with you. 

You Are Not Alone: Addiction Treatment is a Phone Call Away

Whether you have questions about addiction, drug use, and abuse or warning signs, it helps to have advice and information from a professional. The team of drug use and addiction specialists at Orange County’s Fresh Start of California can help you with answers to your important questions. We are here to provide hope and guidance when addiction takes hold of your family or your loved one. 

Call Fresh Start of California today and get the answers and help you need.